Petit Meslier grapes
Petit Meslier is considered as a very rare variety of white wine grape which also happens to be a minor component in some of the blends of Champagne.

This white wine grape variety is very much valued for its ability to retain the level of acidity in them even in the presence of hot vintages.
In the rarest of rare cases, where this white wine grape variety is not taken as a blending one, it prepares crisp wines that taste similar to apples.
This grape variety is considered as a light-skinned white wine grape variety that is grown as well as used in very minor quantities in Champagne.
The most common and famous varieties that are associated with this white wine grape variety are Pinot Noir, Pinot Meunier as well as Chardonnay.
At the same time, there are other less-known grape varieties out of which Petit Meslier is one. The other three grape varieties are Pinot Gris, Pinot Blanc as well as obscure Arbane.
The plantings of this white wine grape variety were found in abundance once upon a time. However, today these plantings have cut down to only a couple of acres.
Most of the vines of this white wine grape variety are present in the regions of Marne Valley that is located just west to the Eperney.
A very few number of wineries make the use of this grape variety and those who take it into use result in producing some of the rarest Champagnes.
Champagne Moutardet Fils, in the district of Cote des Bar makes the user of this white wine grape variety in its very own Cuvee des Six Cepages.
In this particular wine, this white wine grape variety is made to join by the variety of Pinot Noir, Chardonnay, Pinot Meunier as well as Arbane.
Furthermore, in the region of north, at the heart of the valley of Marne, Champagne Tarlant owns a very small number of the vines of this white wine grape variety.
Despite of entertaining the plantation of these grapes, this winery is not very much promoted among the public.
Apart from this, Duval-Leroy is also recognized to produce a varietal Petit Meslier in their range of Champagnes called, Authentis.
They are notable for not entertaining the trace of the any of the three classic grapes of Champagne. The wines produced out of these varieties are considered as very floral that come along with some green and leafy notes.
This grape variety is considered to be a very difficult grape variety to grow and to further take care of. It entertains a very poor resistance to diseases as well as gives low yields.
This white wine grape variety is known under a number of synonyms such as Meslier Saint-Francois and Meslier Dore.
According to a DNA fingerprinting, this white wine grape variety, just like that of Aubinblanc is nothing but a result of the cross performed in between Gouausblanc and Savagnin.
The former is referred to as a parent of Chardonnay and Aubinvert among the other grape varieties and the later grape is very common in the Jura wine and is nothing but a variety of the Traminer family that also includes Gewurztraminer.
Amigne, the Swiss variety of grapes also entertains a parent-offspring relationship with this white wine grape variety.
This white wine grape variety is used in the production of the varietal as well as sparkling wines. The notes of these wines are similar to a light floral bouquet along with the flavors of green Granny Smith apples.
These wines are mostly considered as crispy and tasteful and they retain some excellent levels of acidity in them.
The vines of this white wine grape variety bud very early and therefore are at a risk of spring frost. The vines comprise of young leaves that are green in color and have bronze patches on to them.
These leaves are small and orbicular as to their shape. The berries of this grape variety are round as to their shape.

Michael Bredahl
Wine Writer
Michael is an online enthusiast, with a lot of knowledge about online marketing. Traveling around the world to hunt for the perfect wine. Latest on Sicily, where Etna has a huge impact on the taste, which is strong with a bitter aftertaste for the youngest wines, but older wines are fantastic. Drinking wine, and writing about them, are one the passions. Remember to drink responsibly 🙂
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