Ramisco grapes
Ramisco is referred to as a red wine grape variety that hails from the regions of Portugal. This grape variety is particularly planted in the Colares DOC.
This red wine grape variety is considered as an iconic grape variety along with a dark-blue appearance which is believed to stand out in the entire world of the wine grapes.
The reason is that one a few grape varieties of the vinifera specie have been grafted on to the phylloxera-resistant rootstocks of America and this red wine grape variety is considered one of them.
This red wine grape variety is grown only in the regions of Colares that is located in the southern west of Portugal because it is in the sandy soils of this region where the louse of phylloxera cannot survive.
This red wine grape variety is very attractive as to its appearance because of the presence of dark-blue skin.
This red wine grape variety is described as a part of the medium range of the red wine grapes that are able to entertain just sufficient tannins as well as the level of acidity because of the presence of a dense skin around them.
The alcohol levels in this red wine grape variety are subdued and altogether they only go past 13 percent of the total content of alcohol in all kinds of wines produced out of them.
This grape variety is not considered to be grafted in order of its process of reproduction. Since this grape variety show off all its defined characteristics in the sandy soils only, it is also able to ward off the presence of mite pest that ends up affecting the vines of this red wine grape variety at large.
This red wine grape variety is also believed to have survived the widespread epidemic of phylloxera or louse which happened to attack and affect a number of red wine grape varieties and all their vines in the 19th century.
It has become nearly impossible to search for the plantings of this red wine grape variety outside the region of Colares.
This is because not all the soils of different regions attribute to the friendly characteristics of this grape to grow and to further perform well.
Ramsico is known under different synonyms like Ramisconos Acores, Ramisco de Colares as well as Ramisco Tinto.
An extensive detailing as well as documentation has been done about this red wine grape variety.
This is due to the rare distinction of this grape variety that happened to survive the widespread phylloxera epidemic of the 19th century.
This red wine grape variety entertains a Portuguese origin. To be more particular, the origin of this red wine grape variety was discovered in the region of Colares and this is where this grape variety is planted today in abundance.
This is because the presence of sandy and favorable soil for this red wine grape variety. At the same time, the very other documentation of this red wine grape variety states that this grape was thought to be brought to the region of Colares from France by Afonso III, King of Portugal and the Algarve in the 13th century.
This is yet another reason why the traits and characteristics of this red wine grape variety are often linked to its close French cousins.
The wines produced out of this red wine grape variety are considered to produce a good level of tannin and also these red wines are considered to be astringent wines.
The wines produced out of this red wine grape varieties are considered containing the aromas of violet along with an amazing combination of dark fruit flavors that is further accompanied by a herbal infection.
These wines are mostly underlined with a presence of subtle saline character. This is due to the proximity of the wines of this red wine grape variety to the Atlantic Ocean.
The wines produced out of Ramsico are mid-weight red wines with pronounced levels of acidity and tannins in them. The levels of alcohol as already stated, are relatively subdued.
Michael Bredahl
Wine Writer
Michael is an online enthusiast, with a lot of knowledge about online marketing. Traveling around the world to hunt for the perfect wine. Latest on Sicily, where Etna has a huge impact on the taste, which is strong with a bitter aftertaste for the youngest wines, but older wines are fantastic. Drinking wine, and writing about them, are one the passions. Remember to drink responsibly 🙂
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