Luxurious layers of Baileys Irish Cream Liqueur and real Belgian chocolate make an unforgettable combination. This rich, indulgent liquid is truly a phenomenon in chocolate – turning the sensory experience of eating chocolate into a decadent drink. Baileys Chocolat Luxe is a ground breaking innovation fusing real Belgian chocolate with alcohol, resulting in a multi-sensory experience that tastes just like molten chocolate. The Baileys Chocolat Luxe story: The ground breaking innovation of luxurious Belgian chocolate, Irish whiskey, and cream has taken more than three years to craft, resulting in a rich, molten chocolate drinking experience. Developed to give the same multi-sensory experience of eating a piece of chocolate, Baileys Chocolat Luxe delivers an authentic chocolate experience that delivers the ‘snap’ of the first piece, right through to the bitter aftertaste of cocoa. Lead scientist Anthony Wilson travelled three continents to personally taste the world’s finest chocolate – 200 varieties in all. Wilson worked tirelessly on more than 800 recipes to create a fusion that would see chocolate perfectly mixed with Baileys Original Irish Cream. Recipe after recipe, scientific calculation after another, Wilson and his team of leading liquid scientists honed their study into rheology to work out exactly how the drink would pour, its consistency and texture, leaving no stone left unturned in the pursuit of a chocolate lovers dream. His fusion of painstakingly chosen premium ingredients delivers a product that both melts in the mouth and gives a cooling sensation on taste – delivering a drinking feast for the senses, escalated through a journey of smell. The journey begins with the taste of dry, crumbly chocolate through to a crescendo moment of dark, rich roasted cocoa notes at the end of the sip. Combining luxury products – including Madagascan vanilla and more than 30 grams of real Belgian chocolate in each bottle – has ensured that Baileys Chocolat Luxe has all the great taste of the highest quality chocolate with all the rich, creamy caramel tones of a traditional Baileys. This is real Belgian chocolate, awoken by the spirit of Baileys. This is Baileys Chocolat Luxe.
Liqueur from TheDrinkShop
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