Nose: The immediate impression is of the mildness of the pure, airy, bright bouquet. A floral, fruity pastel tone then unfolds and quickly darkens into candied fruit, ripe hay and toasted notes, along with hints of licorice. Palate: The wine’s opulence – contained and succulent, round at heart – reveals itself in the mouth. The envelope slides and stretches, and the wine becomes more complex and edgy, silkier than it is creamy. The whole eventually melts into an exquisite bitterness tinged with the briny taste of the sea The weather in 2006 was mixed, but warm and dry overall. While July was scorching hot, August was unusually cool and wet. The almost summery weather in September made the vintage possible by drying out the few patches of botrytis and maturing the grapes far more than usual. The harvest began on September 11 and lasted nearly four weeks.
Champagne from TheDrinkShop