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Red Wine from all around the World

The health benefits of wine, red wine to be precise, have been debated by researchers since quite some time.

Many people believe that a glass of wine per day leads to a healthy lifestyle.

Red wine from all around the world

Studies have repeatedly pointed at this fact that moderate consumption of red wine leads to a lowered risk of several diseases, especially those related to the heart.

As with all the pleasures, it is a matter of moderation because exaggeration can lead to addiction. Drink responsibly!

What is Red Wine?

Red wine is prepared by crushing and fermenting dark coloured whole grapes and then allowing it to ferment. Once the wine gets fermented, it is allowed to age in a cellar.

The better the age of the wine, the better it’s taste.

Red wines vary with regard to taste and colour.

The common varieties of Red wine include Merlot, Shiraz, Red Zinfandel, Pinot Noir and cabernet Sauvignon.

The alcohol in the wine usually ranges from 12-15 percent.

At what temperature should red wine be served?

Red Wine when served cold or chilled, tends to have a bitter taste and when served at say room temperature, tends to give the flavour of the alcohol.

Hence wine should be served, just at the right temperature.

The following types of wine should be served at the following temperatures:

Red Wine

Red Wine and Roses

The following types of wine should be served at the following temperatures:

  • Pinot Noir: 50°F/10°C to 55°F/13°C
  • Merlot: 55°F/13°C to 60°F/15°C
  • Red Zinfandel: 65°F/18°C
  • Shiraz: 65°F/18°C
  • Cabernet Sauvignon: 65°F/18°C

Why should one decant red wine?

In times gone by, it was a norm to decant the wine due to the formation of the solid matter in the wine, as it aged.

However, most wines today, need no decanting because the wine making process itself clarifies the wine thoroughly, before being bottled.

Though wines are good even if served through bottles, decanting still helps, as wines kept for more than a decade does generally produce a sediment or two.

The action of decanting also exposes a large surface area of the wine to the air, which tends to develop its complex aromas.

How to drink Red Wine?

Wine drinking is a great and a fun experience. You just cannot enjoy a bottle of red wine without proper wine glasses complimenting it.

Red wine glasses are different to those of white wines, with they being shorter and wider.

The reason right glasses must be chosen is because, when red wine is poured, it should be allowed to come in contact with the air.

It should be allowed to oxidize. As a result of this, before you decide to take a sip, it is advised to give it a swirl, such that the wine is allowed to breathe.


Michael Bredahl

Michael Bredahl

Wine Writer

Michael is an online enthusiast, with a lot of knowledge about online marketing. Traveling around the world to hunt for the perfect wine. Latest on Sicily, where Etna has a huge impact on the taste, which is strong with a bitter aftertaste for the youngest wines, but older wines are fantastic. Drinking wine, and writing about them, are one the passions. Remember to drink responsibly 🙂

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