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Wines from Valladolid

– The Land of Great Spanish Wines

Yes, it’s perfectly apt to call Valladolid as the Land of Great Spanish Wines.

This being the capital city of Castile and León is perfectly located at the meeting point of the rivers Pisuerga and Esgueva.

Wines from Valladolid wineregion in Spain

Why I say Valladolid is perfectly located is because it is located within five wonderful wine regions of Spain. And, it’s not a home for only one wine region but for five!

As each of these five wine regions has its own uniqueness and specialty it would not be wise to see the Valladolid wines as a single generalized entity.

Therefore, I have divided Valladolid wines into these five broader categories to discuss here. Let’s see about these five wine regions of Valladolid here

Wine grape varieties
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Five Wine Regions of Valladolid

Ribera del Duero

This is one among the eleven quality wine regions of Castile and León and is one among the several most recognized wine regions of the world.

The DO appellation of this region was created in the year 1982 with the view of promoting the quality of the wines that are produced here.

When it comes to types of wines that are being produced in this DO wine region, most of the wines here are from red grapes with a vast majority being produced using ‘Tinto Fino’ grape variety.

Some other grape varieties that are allowed to be used as per the appellation law are:

  • Cabernet Sauvignon
  • Malbec
  • Merlot
  • Albillo


This is another DO for wines that are produced within Castile and León.

Of the 72 municipalities in Rueda DO, a major part (53 municipalities) is falling within the Valladolid wine region.

The DO appellation of Rueda was created in the year 1972 thereby indicating the production of quality wines based on ‘Verdejo’ grape variety.

Verdejo is a white wine grape variety which is known to occupy a major portion of Rueda’s white wines.

Although this region is famous for its white wines red wines are also produced in smaller levels.

Some of the key grape varieties allowed to be used is:

  • Viura
  • Sauvignon blanc
  • Tempranillo
  • Cabernet Sauvignon
  • Merlot
  • Garnacha


This DO appellation of the Spanish wines is covering almost 8,000 ha under vine cultivation thereby continuing to be an important wine region of Spain.

The history of the wine production in this wine region can be dated back to as early as the first century B.C.

However, Toro DO was known to be created only during the year 1987.

In this region, red wines are more predominantly produced using ‘100% Tinta de Toro’ grape variety while the white wines are often ‘100% Verdejo’ or ‘100% Malvasía’.

Apart from these grape varieties, Garnacha is also authorized to be used in the wines of Toro DC.

Tierra de León

Comparatively, this is a recent DO wine region of Spain which gained its DO status during the year 2007 only.

Located in the southern part León, this covers an area of 3,317 square kilometers.

The history of wine grape cultivation in Tierra de León can be dated back to the times of ancient Romans.

The DO status application was applied here mainly for the promotion of a particular grape variety called ‘Prieto Picudo’ which is known to be used for red wine production.

Some other authorized grape varieties are:

  • Tempranillo
  • Garnacha
  • Malvasía
  • Palomino


This DO represents the wines that are being produced in the region to the north of Valladolid province.

The Valladolid wine region is one among the several municipalities coming under this DO.

Cigales DO was created in the year 1991 and is specialized in the production of claret and rosé wine varieties.

These wines were produced in underground cellars at a depth of over ten meters until recently.

Some of the authorized grape varieties of Cigales DO are:

  • Tempranillo
  • Garnacha tinta
  • Garnacha gris
  • Verdejo
  • Albillo


Michael Bredahl

Michael Bredahl

Wine Writer

Michael is an online enthusiast, with a lot of knowledge about online marketing. Traveling around the world to hunt for the perfect wine. Latest on Sicily, where Etna has a huge impact on the taste, which is strong with a bitter aftertaste for the youngest wines, but older wines are fantastic. Drinking wine, and writing about them, are one the passions. Remember to drink responsibly 🙂

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